Membership & Volunteering
Joining the MSVRR Historical Society
IMPORTANT: Membership tiers and pricing have changed recently!PLEASE READ BELOW IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OR LOOKING TO JOIN!
MSVRR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit institution offering 4 tiers of membership that allow you to support and volunteer for our organization. ALL members may vote on future activities and propose new projects during the Weekly Public Meetings.
Passenger [$30 / year, for 1 person]:
Individual membership supporting the efforts of MSVRR to preserve the history of railroading in Monterey County.Engineer [$180 / year, for 1 person]:
Grants an individual access to participate in operating the HO scale layout with their choice of equipment, as well as providing them with key access to the REA building.Train Crew [$220 / year, for families]:
Grants families consisting of at least one child and one parent (for supervision) member access to participate in operating the HO scale layout with their choice of equipment, as well as providing the adult key access to the REA building.
For more information on applying to become a member, please see the documents posted on the right and contact us to set up a meeting!
Docents and Tour Guides Wanted!
Do you have an interest in teaching others about history? Have you curated historical or museum projects in the past? Want to spread your knowledge of the railroad and have a knack for public speaking? Then MSVRR wants you to volunteer as a docent!
We need as many people as we can (regardless of membership) to lead tours and guide visitors along a historical journey through the museum. By giving your time to our organization, we grant you access to the diorama and other amenities as needed for your volunteering and as a sign of appreciation from us to you! If you are interested in working with us to provide local historical education to the community, then fill out the necessary forms above and schedule a time to meet.